Welcome to the IREFCU web site! We hope the information contained here will assist you in meeting your financial goals.
A message from IREFCU to our members about Coronavirus:
We are making all efforts in planning and taking precautions to ensure the health and safety of our employees and members, while delivering quality, uninterrupted service to the best of our capability. We are also monitoring the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). https://www.cdc.gov/ Please refer to the link for instructions on how to prevent the spread of this virus.
We encourage you to use our online banking services as much as possible for services such as account balances, funds transfers and check requests. Also, please give us a call to handle any possible transactions over the phone.
IREFCU remains committed to serving its members. Your health and safety is our priority and we will do all we can to get through this together.
If you have questions about any of the membership benefits covered here, or if you wish to join IREFCU, please don't hesitate to call us at 336-852-7511 during the business hours shown below.
Inquiries may also be e-mailed to irefcu@internalrevenueempfcu.com (please do not e-mail personal financial information) or faxed to 336-852-7212.
National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund
The shares in this credit union are insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), an arm of NCUA. The NCUA Share Insurance Estimator is an educational resource about share insurance and gives a detailed explanation of insurance coverage.